Lowongan PT. Astra International Tbk - Honda

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Vacancy PT. Astra International Tbk - Honda

Branch Head Development Program
is a program that prepares new employees to become Branch Head in the Astra Motor, a way to give recognition and understanding of the business, management and values held by Astra, especially Astra Motor. As well as providing new equip new employees about the materials associated with respective jobs as new em-ployees in accordance with the field work that will occupy

- Male / Female
- Maximum age 27 years
- Minimal Bachelor (S1) all majors
- Minimum GPA 3.0
- Have organizational experience
- Have good communication skills
- Have interest in Sales, Marketing, Customer Care, Finance & Business Management
- Willing to be placed all around Indonesia

If you want to take your career to a new level and be involved in exciting workplace change and issues, please apply online please visit www.ccc.uii.ac.id no later than Februari,5th 2011